Yum Balam “Lord Jaguar”
Holbox Island is located within the Nature Reserve of Yum Balam (jaguar, lord)
Yum Balam was decreed Flora and Fauna Nature Reserve in 1994, by initiative of the Mayan Population, Yum Balam is a natural space of 154,052 acres of shore and off- shore territory. It’s located in the northern area of the state of Quintana Roo., This extension of land includes the town of Lázaro Cárdenas, Mainland Holbox and Holbox Island and Yalahau.
The waters of Yum Balam are rich and abundant fishing zones that produce more than half of the state’s fishing production.
From May to Sepetember Yum Balam is the shelter and Sanctuary for the biggest concentration of whale sharks in the planet.
In 2003 locals from Holbox Island and Chiquila promoted the regulation of Whale Shark Discovery Tours by 2009 Holbox was decreed a Whale Shark Sanctuary as wel as Whale Shark nature Reserve.
In the mid 1800’s Holbox and Chiquila remained the refuge for all of those running and seeking refuge from the «Caste Wars» making this territory basically virgin with a very but very small population by the the end of the 1900’s. Turning it to this natral paradise.
Actualmente reúne diversos grupos mayas. Yum Balam cuenta con dos poblaciones: Holbox y Chiquilá. Las poblaciones colindantes son: Solferino, San Ángel y Kantunilkin.
Las principales actividades económicas de Holbox y Chiquilá son la pesca y el turismo. En San Ángel, Solferino y Kantunilkin predomina la producción agrícola. En Kantunilkin destaca la producción de miel de la abeja melipona, cotizada en el mercado internacional.
Environmental Numbers
• It is home to 420 bird species from which 35% are migratory species, it is an important spot for hibernation, nesting and feeding.
• It is the home of multiple endangered species such as: Jaguars (Panthera onca), Tapirs (Tapirus bairdii), Crocodiles, monkeys, Hawksbill Turtles and more than 70 different species of reptiles and amphibians.
• Besides the Whale Sharks (Rhincodon typus), its waters are the home of a wide variety of marine sea creatures such as fish, crustaceans and shellfish.